Live With Elephants in Thailand

Oh my goodness! Living with the elephants in Thailand was one of my favorite experiences of all time. Elephant Sanctuary in Chiang Mai is where rescued elephants go to live a happy, peaceful and loved life. I cannot wait until we can take the boys here!
The Fabulous:
- Out of this world amazing.
- You can feed the elephants (amazing.)
- You can walk them to the river..get in.. and wash the elephants (what??!! Amazing.)
- The food was delicious.
- The experience of being this close and looking into their eyes and knowing that most of them have been through much pain and now they are so peaceful… and free… is beyond words.
The Not So Fabulous:
- We saw the biggest spider we had ever seen here (BUT, I loved this place so much-I did not even care)
The Details…
You can come for the day or stay overnight (like my husband and I did). It was almost 10 years ago since we were at the Elephant Sanctuary, but I can see from their site that things have only gotten better!
The elephants really do roam free, they are not ridden (except some of them- by their human caretaker) and they dont use the painful hook to control them. They come to eat because they want to, they go to the river and allow people to wash them because they very much like to roll around in the muddy waters 🙂 and if/when they dont want to take part, they dont have to.
The price to have an overnight is VERY affordable and really worth every penny (it’s about $167.) That means your overnight accommodations in your own cabin, delicious food and of course spending time with the elephants is all $167..
Do not expect luxury, but everything was clean and people were lovely and Oh my heavens you are living with elephants! 🙂